Ve čtvrtek 18. dubna 2024 se v Bruselu v hotelu Renaissance Brussels koná konference nazvaná V4 Conference 2024 - Research Infrastructures, kterou pořádají kanceláře podpory výzkumu a inovací V4 v Bruselu (CZELO, SLORD, PolSCA, NRDIO).
Scope & Aim
In collaboration with our colleagues from V4 R&I support offices in Brussels (CZELO, SLORD, PolSCA, NRDIO), we have selected Research Infrastructures as our central theme for this year's conference. The V4 region boasts a wealth of intriguing examples of best practices, ranging from established infrastructures to emerging ones. Our aim is to delve into these examples and provide a platform for insightful discussions led by speakers coming from various directions.
We recognize the importance of aligning our discussions with past Presidencies of the Council of the EU, particularly emphasizing Council Conclusions touching upon Research Infrastructures. These conclusions underscore the necessity for member states to ensure the long-term sustainability and digital enhancement of their research infrastructures.
Moreover, the conference promises ample networking opportunities, facilitating engaging debates among relevant stakeholders from the Brussels R&I community, EU bodies, and Permanent Representations.
The conference will commence with presentations from RI representatives, providing insights into their respective institutions.
Following this, the first panel will feature representatives from V4 Research Infrastructures and EOSC. Together, they will explore examples of best practices in establishing research infrastructures, personnel challenges (attraction, retention, and quality management), long-term sustainability considerations, and data management and governance, emphasizing the principles of Open and FAIR data.
In the afternoon, the 2nd panel will take centre stage, featuring speakers from Ministries, Permanent Representations of V4 countries, and a representative from the European Commission. This session will focus on the future trajectory of research infrastructures, building upon earlier discussion. Topics will include the evolving role of V4 countries in RI initiatives, changes since the adoption of various Council Conclusions, and the exploration of Technology Infrastructures. Furthermore, we will delve into future financial and legislative goals, fostering a lively debate on potential enhancements for FP10.
09:00 - 09:30 Registration
09:30 - 09:45 Welcome & Keynote speech by José Luis Martínez (ESFRI Chair)
09:45 - 10:30 Presentations of V4 Research Infrastructures
- ELI ERIC presented by Allen Weeks & Péter Dombi
- Luboš Halada (Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
- Tomasz Parkoła (Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, Polish Academy of Sciences)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00 1st Discussion Panel, moderated by Jana Kolar (CERIC)
- Ute Gunsenheimer (European Open Science Cloud)
- Luboš Halada (Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
- Maciej Maryl (Polish Academy of Sciences | Operas)
- Allen Weeks & Péter Dombi (ELI ERIC)
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:30 2nd Discussion Panel, moderated by Ondřej Hradil (Masaryk University)
- Agata Janaszczyk (Research Counsellor at Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU)
- Patricia Postigo McLaughlin (Policy officer in the research infrastructures programme, DG RTD, European Commission)
- Martin Šponiar (Director of Department for the Implementation of the Research and Development State Policy at the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic)
- István Szabó (Deputy CEO for strategy and innovation at the Hungarian Research Network)
- Marek Vyšinka (Head of Unit for Research Infrastructures at Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, Czech Republic)
14:30 - 15:00 Closing Remarks & Goodbye Coffee
Registration here
Zdroj: Dům zahraniční spolupráce
- Datum od: 18.4.2024
- Datum do: 18.4.2024