Národní technická knihovna (NTK) zve na další ze série svých webinářů, který tentokrát přinese mladým vědcům tipy k psaní odborných článků. Webinář se bude konat 12. dubna 2022.
Tips on writing an article for early career researchers
Who should participate?
This webinar is designed primarily for doctoral students preparing to write their first article, but everyone who is interested in scholarly communication is welcome.
What topics will be covered?
Publishing results of research is a substantial and often compulsory part of every researcher's career. One's very first article might present a great challenge. In this webinar, we would like to share our writing experience as PhD candidates. Main topics we will discuss:
- Common features of scientific articles and their structure
- How to choose a journal
- Tips for writing and finishing the article
Date and time: Tuesday, April 12, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Format and language: Webinar in English
For: All students, PhD candidates
Webinars are free of charge and you do not need to be registered with the library. We will send you detailed instructions for connecting to the given webinar by email after the registration.
Registration form can be found here.
Zdroj: Národní technická knihovna
- Datum od: 12.4.2022
- Datum do: 12.4.2022