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Think-tank IDEA při ekonomickém institutu CERGE-EI zvou na veřejnou přednášku s diskusí s názvem The Future of Automation and Its Implications for Educational Systems, která se uskuteční dne 12. listopadu 2018 od 13 do 15 hodin v Praze. Hlavním řečníkem bude Harry A. Patrinos ze Světové banky.

The threat of automation implies a race between education and technology. In most developing countries, educational systems are not providing workers with the skills necessary to compete in today’s job markets. The growing mismatch between skills demand and supply holds economic growth back and undermines opportunities. At the same time, the returns to education are high in most developing countries, and growing skill premiums are evident in much of the world. Automation simultaneously results in deskilling and imposes a need for new skills, and is changing what education will need to look like in the future.

The public lecture will address the following questions:

  • Who is ready for the coming wave of automation?
  • How can we prepare students for a more automated world?
  • What can policy makers do now to avoid major disruptions in future?
  • What should future research focus on?

The event will be in English. Light refreshments will be served following the discussion. The event will be recorded and will be available as a video on the IDEA website.



  • Datum od: 12.11.2018
  • Datum do: 12.11.2018
Kategorie: Akce

Kalendář akcí