In our latest podcast episode, we’re thrilled to welcome back Associate Professor Daniela Pauknerová. Building on our previous discussion about Czech leadership culture, this episode delves into the fascinating world of global leadership.
In this episode, we shift our focus to the intricate dynamics between China and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). How has the 16+1 (now 14+1) framework for China-CEE cooperation evolved since its inception in 2012, and does it still serve a purpose, or is it merely a relic of the past?
n the latest episode of our podcast, we delve into the multifaceted relationship between China and the European Union. How have recent events—ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to the war in Ukraine—reshaped their interactions? What historical and economic trends have led to a decline in cooperation, and what does this mean for the future?
V tomto dílu našeho podcastu přivítáme profesora Martina Pěluchu z Katedry regionálních studií. Zavede nás do světa iniciativy Science for Policy, která se zaměřuje na překlenutí propasti mezi vědou, politikou a praxí. Budeme si povídat o tom, jak mohou vědci efektivně komunikovat své poznatky politikům, a o důležitosti srozumitelnosti a stručnosti v této komunikaci.
S paní Danielou Pauknerovou se vracíme k tématu leadershipu. Tentokrát se zaměříme na specifika českého leadershipu a podíváme se na to, jak se liší vnímání role lídra v různých regionech Česka, konkrétně mezi Čechami a Moravou, a jak tyto rozdíly ovlivňují firemní prostředí.
The topic of this episode is the perceptions of China, particularly the Xinjiang region, in Kazakhstan. Our guest, Mrs. Gaziza Shakhanova, is an expert in geopolitics and international relations with a focus on Central Asia and Kazakhstan’s relationships with China and Russia. Throughout the interview, she provides insights into the historical and contemporary dynamics between these two neighboring countries, examining how Kazakhstani citizens view China and discussing the Kazakhstani government’s approach to cooperation with China.
V tomto dílu podcastu přivítáme docenta Lubomíra Cingla z katedry Manažerské ekonomie na Vysoké škole ekonomické, jehož práce se zaměřuje na oblasti behaviorální a experimentální ekonomie. Pan docent Cingl nám objasní, jak lidská rozhodnutí ovlivňují psychologické a sociální faktory, které mohou být i zdánlivě iracionální.
V této epizodě přivítáme ve studiu paní Danielu Pauknerovou, vedoucí katedry Manažerské psychologie a sociologie na Vysoké škole ekonomické v Praze. Paní docentka se kromě výuky věnuje výzkumu v oblasti leadershipu a jeho rozvoje – a právě tomu je věnován i náš rozhovor.
In this episode, we examine the economic and political trajectory of Afghanistan since the U.S. withdrawal in August 2021. With insights from Dr. Pamir Sahill, we explore the state of Afghanistan’s economy, governance, and legal systems as the U.S. exited after 20 years of presence. Has the Taliban’s return to power brought improvement or decline in the economy?
In this episode, we delve into China’s expanding role in the Global South and its implications for Europe. Together with Associate Professor Jeremy Garlick, we explore concerns raised by European and American officials about China’s deepening relationships in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Is China creating a 'debt trap' through its economic policies, or is it paving the way for mutual development?