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Webinář: Navigating Scientific Resources & Staying Organized

3. 10. 2023
Webinář: Navigating Scientific Resources & Staying Organized

Národní technická knihovna nabízí zájemncům řadu webinářů, seminářů a workshopů - tento s podtitulem: Making It Easier to Write a Ph. D. Dissertation, Article, or Proposal. Koná se 24. října 2023. Webinář je bezplatný a není podmínkou být registrován v NTK. Podrobné pokyny pro připojení k danému webináři budou zaslány e-mailem po registraci.

Date and time: Tuesday, October 24, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. (60 min)

Format and language: Webinar in English

For: All students, PhD candidates

Who should participate?

This webinar is designed primarily for doctoral candidates who are writing dissertations or scientific articles. Anyone interested in searching, evaluating, and citing academic resources is also very welcome.

What topics will be covered?

Learn how to conduct literature reviews for your dissertation or articles and how to organize yourself through this process. Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • How can I save time when searching for literature and accessing full-text articles?
  • Getting full texts of materials that are hard-to-find
  • Staying organized while writing (using citation managers and notes)
  • Where can I publish the outputs of my work (i.e., identifying, evaluating, and targeting journals and conferences)?

Registration here.


Zdroj: Národní technická knihovna