Kanadská pobočka agentury CzechInvest připravuje společně s European-Canadian Centre for Innovation and Research virtuální akci – webinář k česko-kanadské spolupráci v oblasti R&D a inovací. Akce se bude konat 13. prosince 2022 od 16:30 českého času.
Hlavním cílem akce je představit kanadské straně inovační prostředí ČR a nástroje a příležitosti, jak mohou s ČR spolupracovat, včetně prezentace několika případů úspěšných projektů.
Na akci se můžete registrovat zde.
How can collaboration with the Czech Republic enhance your innovation outcomes?
The Czech Republic has always been a country of innovators. Czech researchers are renowned worldwide for their invention of key innovation technologies, such as the lightning rod, the ship propeller, contact lenses, and anti-HIV//AIDs medicines. Today, the Czech Republic remains a global innovation leader in electron microscopy, artificial intelligence, automotive technologies, life sciences, nanofibres, cybernetics, astrophysics, and more.
In collaboration with the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Toronto and CzechInvest, the European-Canadian Centre for Innovation and Research is pleased to invite you to the “Innovate with the Czech Republic” webinar on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, from 8:30-10:00 am MT (10:30-12:00 pm ET/ 16:30-18:00 CET).
This free virtual event will connect Canadian stakeholders with leading experts on Czech innovation and research, including Dr. Petr Očko, the Deputy Minister for Digitalization and Innovation at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.
Attendees will also:
- Discover the Czech Republic as a European innovation leader
- Find out about regional funding sources
- Understand how to connect to productive international partnership opportunities
- Be inspired by success stories from stakeholders who have developed collaborative partnerships abroad
Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain insight into one of Europe's most powerful innovation engines.
Zdroj: CzechInvest
- Datum od: 13.12.2022
- Datum do: 13.12.2022