Centrum energetických a environmentálních technologií VŠB-TUO srdečně zve všechny zájemce o oblast výzkumu, vývoje, charakterizace a praktických aplikací nanomateriálů a nanotechnologií na mezinárodní konferenci NanoOstrava 2023, která se uskuteční dnech 15 - 18. května 2023 v unikátní lokalitě areálu Dolních Vítkovic (DOV).
The eighth edition of the international biennial "Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies Meeting" in Ostrava, organized in cooperation with scientists from the Nanotechnology Centre, CEET, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava and the Institute of Geonics of the CAS.
This year's conference will be held in the unique location "Dolní Vítkovice - DOV", which is an industrial monument now serving as an educational, social and cultural centre.
The international conference NanoOstrava 2023 will be HYBRID this year (combining in- person and virtual form).
The meeting will be providing plenty of oportunities for open discussions between scientists, students and company representatives interested in the research and development of nanomaterials and nanotechnology.
The three scientific sessions dedicated to energy, environment and materials characterization in nanoscience will be packed with world-renowned scientists and a number of scientists and speakers from industry. The conference supports young scientists and enthusiastic students and helps open doors to scientific careers.
Conference scopes
- Nanotechnology application in field of energy and environment
- Nanomaterials for energy storage and energy harvesting
- New materials and technologies for waste heat harvesting
- Materials needs for clean energy production
- Utilization of green approaches in industry
- Water and air cleaning using advanced nanomaterials
- Anti-biofouling and antimicrobial surfaces
- Safety of nanomaterials application
- Nanomaterials in healthcare
- Adsorption processes
- Catalytical and photocatalytical application for environment
- Advanced recycling technologies for accumulators
- Additive technologies life cycle assessment
- Nanotechnologies in automotive and transportation
Important Dates
March 31 2023
Early-bird registration and the conference fee payment
April 23 2023
Last date for submission of abstracts
May 5 2023
Last day for registration payment
June 1 2023
Submission of conference proceeding
More information could be found here.
Zdroj: NanoOstrava 2023
- Datum od: 15.5.2023
- Datum do: 18.5.2023