The French Embassy, the French Institute in Prague and RICAIP Centre together with CIIRC CTU and La French Tech Prague jointly invite you to “Women in Tech – The gender algorithm” conference on Wednesday 12 April 2023. The conference will also be available for viewing online.
Digital technologies are one of the most powerful drivers of structural changes in the economy and society. The health crisis has reinforced their role and made it more obvious that Europe in general has a lot of catching up to do. However, the place of women in these key technologies for the future of our societies remains very low.
The gender gap in the job market is glaring, especially in the European Union. Worse, the proportion of women in digital jobs is not increasing and remains below 20% in Europe (17% in France; 10% in the Czech Republic). The ratio of investment in start-ups also remains largely at the expense of women start-up project leaders (90/10).
However, everyone agrees that greater diversity is necessary, for social and economic reasons, but also to allow the sector to benefit from a richness of approach and creativity born from the diversity of profiles.
Why are women so poorly represented in the sector? Their supposedly lack of interest in scientific disciplines is regularly pointed out, particularly in mathematics and computer science. At school and then in higher education, the figures are particularly frightful, especially in France. In fact, young girls suffer from the prejudices surrounding these disciplines, which are considered masculine, as well as from the lack of role models in the economic and academic world.
Women in Tech – The gender algorithm
The French Embassy, the French Institute in Prague and Business France Czech Republic, the RICAIP centre in partnership with the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics of the Czech Technical University and La French Tech Prague are organizing a joint event dedicated to this topic, "Women in Tech - The gender algorithm", on Wednesday 12 April at 4pm at the CIIRC CTU.
Czech and French experts and practitioners will discuss in two panels, the roots of this phenomenon, its impact on our societies and strategies to change the status quo.
The conference will also be available for viewing online. The full programme can be found at:
The event will be held in English, without translation.
Zdroj: Velvyslanectví Francie v Praze
- Datum od: 12.4.2023
- Datum do: 12.4.2023