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Národní technická knihovna nabízí zájemncům řadu webinářů, seminářů a workshopů - tento s podtitulem: How not to get overwhelmed by data. Koná se 7. listopadu 2023. Webinář je bezplatný a není podmínkou být registrován v NTK. Podrobné pokyny pro připojení k danému webináři budou zaslány e-mailem po registraci.

Date and time: Tuesday, November 7, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. (90 min)

Format and language: Webinar in English

For: All students, PhD candidates

Webinars are free of charge and you do not need to be registered with the library. We will send you detailed instructions for connecting to the given webinar by email after the registration.

Who should participate?

This webinar is intended mainly for graduate students and early career researchers who are dealing with research data while writing dissertations, scientific articles, or grant proposals, but anyone interested in a basic introduction to research data management (RDM) is welcome to attend.

What topics will be covered?

RDM involves research data-related activities such as the organization, storage, sharing, and security. This webinar provides a brief introduction to RDM with some practical suggestions to consider before starting a research project, including:

  • Why is it important to manage my research data?
  • RDM in the context of Open Science and the FAIR principles.
  • What is research data and how can it be organized?
  • How do I store and share my research data?

More informations about registration, technical and software requirements and lectors here.


Zdroj: Národní technická knihovna 

  • Datum od: 7.11.2023
  • Datum do: 7.11.2023
Kategorie: Akce