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Výzkumné centrum CEITEC Masarykovy univerzity ve dnech 28. - 30. listopadu 2018 hostí kurz s názvem Leadership and management skills for science leaders.

Leadership and management, collaboration, communication in the team and outside, resolving conflicts, motivation, personality in leadership and teamwork, roles in the team, team dynamics and motivation, empowering others, organising group work, hiring and coaching, how to set effective processes in groups, efficiency and effectivity.

Course provider: HFP Consulting - professional development courses for scientists worldwide. HFP consulting, based in Heidelberg (Germany), provides professional development workshops exclusively for the scientific community. Our mission is to help scientists grow and succeed by working with them to develop leadership and management skills, by fostering personal development, as well as by strengthening interpersonal competencies and communication skills.

Please note that the registration to this course is binding!

28. 11. 08:00 - 30. 11. 17:00, 2018, CEITEC MU, Building A35


Další informace a registrační formulář naleznete zde.



  • Datum od: 28.11.2018
  • Datum do: 30.11.2018
Kategorie: Akce