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Masarykova univerzita ve spolupráci s britským vědcem a držitelem prestižního ERC grantu Matthewem Rampleym zve na workshop H2020: ERC in Social and Humanities, který se uskuteční 11. září 2019 v Brně.

Since its launch in 2007, the European Research Council has become the major international funder of research. For the Horizon 2020 project (2014-2020) alone it has funded projects to a value of some € 13 billion.

The Czech Republic has a small but growing number of successful award holders. This workshop is designed to help researchers with potential projects on how to apply to the ERC, with advice on what is available and practical feedback on initial research project ideas. It will be organised in two parts:

  • Presentations on the ERC and the experience of successfully applying for research awards by:
  • Informal small group discussions of your ideas for potential research projects and how to make them suitable for the ERC. These might be either at a very early stage of development, or you might have already been thinking about them for some time. Bring along your ideas to share with your colleagues.

When: September 11, 2019 (2 – 4:30 PM)

Where: Brno, Masaryk University, Komenského nám. 2, room 300

Registration / Programme.



Zdroj: Masarykova univerzita



  • Datum od: 11.9.2019
  • Datum do: 11.9.2019
Kategorie: Akce