Research Office would like to invite you to a short introduction of the RISE and ITN funding schemes under H2020 MSCA, with focus on the practical setup of the consortia and collaborative goals suitable for the projects.
Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) is a type Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions supporting mobility (secondments) to countries outside of EU and between academic sector and industry within and outside EU. RISE is certainly a great option to get flexible support for travel and research costs (though not salaries)!
Innovative Training Networks (ITN) are Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions financing salaries, research and training costs of PhD students recruited into an international network focused on a specific interdisciplinary research agenda.
Both calls are open each year, deadline RISE is March, for ITN it is January. Competitive proposal requires about 6 months for preparation (4 months formation of consortium and project objective, 2 months intense writing).
When: September 17, 2019
Where: Brno, Česká 166/11 (JCMM – 2nd floor)
V případě zájmu se podívejte na kompletní program a registrujte se.
Zdroj: Masarykova univerzita
- Datum od: 17.9.2019
- Datum do: 17.9.2019