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Do you have a new idea to solve a problem using biobased materials or products? Challenge yourself to test and share your concept during the CELEBioEconomy Celebration Day (14. 10. 2020, Prague, HubHub).

There is a movement, an underground movement of enlightened people who know there is more to life than inorganic materials. How can Czech Republic become more sustainable? Biomass is abundant, but under-utilized to its full potential. Welcome, are the ideas which identify current challenges to society, related to agriculture, forestry, waste, energy or other bio-industries, and present a new bio-based solution to address such challenges. We offer a relaxed format to showcase your ideas to an audience of bioeconomy enthusiasts, which can help make your solution a reality.

The bioeconomy, or biobased economy, is a new model for industry and the economy. It involves using renewable biological resources sustainably to produce food, energy and industrial goods. It also exploits the untapped potential stored within millions of tons of biological waste and residual materials.

Everybody without limitation, can apply to present your new solutions to this bio-challenge. Send your CV and explain:

  • Which bioeconomy issue will you address? (in 100 words)
  • How will you solve this bioeconomy challenge? (in 100 words)

Send your application to the e-mail: jana.bujnakova@ceitec.cz. The deadline for the application is 30 August 2020.

Applications process

The CELEBio team has the right to invite selected candidates based on the feasibility and impact of the proposed solution. If you are invited to participate in the National Finale, it will be necessary to send a presentation in the ppt format (3-5 slides), addressing the question: What is new about your solution, and how will your solution overcome the barriers of traditional inorganic industrial competition (e.g. fossil fuel-based, or plastics)?

The event will be held in English, if you need some more information or you have queries, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail. There will be approximately a 10-minute time slot for every participant, with a discussion to follow. The competition will be judged to select the participants proposing best bioeconomy solutions.



Zdroj: CELEBio


  • Datum od: 14.10.2020
  • Datum do: 14.10.2020
Kategorie: Akce