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V úterý 15. září 2020 se v prostorách Ministerstva zahraničních věcí v Černínském paláci v Praze uskuteční konference na téma inovací a transferu za účasti zástupců z Nizozemska, Německa a České republiky.

New technologies and smart applications can accelerate economic growth, improve products and Services, and help us address various needs of our societies. The on-going pandemic is a strong reminder that governments, academia and the private sector should work hand-in-hand to cope with new challenges, especially in an emergency situation. This lesson should therefore boost efforts to further bridge gaps between the different actors.

Research and innovation ecosystems vary in different countries according to their traditions, established rules or administrative frameworks. However, there is an ample potential of practical experience that can be shared to the benefit of all. In the spirit of learning from each other, Czechia, Germany and the Netherlands have decided to jointly organize a one-day event that should examine how to best support an effective transfer of knowledge and technology. The research areas under scrutiny will be biotechnology, life sciences and healthcare. The conference shall facilitate further networking and future partnerships between researchers and entrepreneurs from all three countries. The event aims at the participation of researchers and innovators, state administration and funding agencies, universities and research institutions, as well as of private investors and entrepreneurs.

The participation at the event is for free, however the registration via this website is obligatory. Conference language is English. Interpreting is not provided.


  • Thomas Doppelberger, Director, Fraunhofer Venture (Germany)
  • Martin Raditsch, CEO, Innovectis GmbH (Germany)
  • Pierre Tangermann and Mirko Buchholz, CEOs, PerioTrap Pharmaceuticals GmbH (Germany)
  • Edward van Wezel, Managing Partner, BioGeneration Ventures (Netherlands)
  • Koen Verhoef, Head of TTO, Netherlands Cancer Institute (Netherlands)
  • Maaike van Velzen, Head of IP Connected Care, Philips (Netherlands) tbc
  • Petr Očko, Deputy Minister for Digitalisation and Innovation, Ministry of Industry and Trade (Czech Republic)
  • Markéta Přenosilová, Director, Startups and Innovative Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Division, CzechInvest (Czech Republic)
  • Jan Konvalinka, Vice-Rector for Science, Charles University (Czech Republic)

Detailed programme


Zdroj: Collaborations for the Future

  • Datum od: 15.9.2020
  • Datum do: 15.9.2020
Kategorie: Akce