
iocb tech

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Nezávislé informace o vědě a výzkumu

Technologické centrum AV ČR a Univerzita Karlova pořádají online workshop pro žadatele o granty Evropské výzkumné rady (ERC) s názvem „How to write a competitive proposal?“, který proběhne ve dnech 30. listopadu a 1. prosince 2020.

Technology Centre CAS and Charles University take pleasure in inviting you to the On-line ERC applicants´ workshop on How to write a competitive proposal? which will take place on 30 November and 1 December 2020. It is part of our training module „How to successfully participate in Horizon Europe?“.

To maximize the impact and effectiveness, the workshop is opened only for ERC Starting/Consolidator, eventually also Advanced, grant applicants who already seriously work on a grant proposal, which they intend to submit to the 2021 ERC Work Programme calls.

To attend the workshop, the applicants are required to 1) register by completing the registration form and 2) send a CV (max. 2 pages), a short abstract of the proposal (max. 2000 characters) and their early achievements track-record for the ERC StG and the ERC CoG applicants or 10 years track-record for the ERC AdG applicants (max. 2 pages) in one pdf file and strictly according to the instructions in the Information for Applicants to the Starting and Consolidator Grant 2020 Calls or Information for Applicants to the Advanced Grant 2020 Call (using the ERC templates: Starting, Consolidator and Advanced) to Ms Lenka Sechterová (sechterova@tc.cz) till 15 November 2020 at the latest.

We kindly ask you to register as soon as possible, even if you have not yet finalised the materials requested. All materials will be considered confidential. The quality of the received materials will be evaluated using ERC standards. Non-competitive materials would mean that the applicants will not be invited to enter the workshop.

Registration will be confirmed no later than 25 November 2020.

Registration link: http://geform.tc.cz/ONLINE_ERCworkshop

Draft programme


Zdroj: Technologické centrum AV ČR

  • Datum od: 30.11.2020
  • Datum do: 1.12.2020
Kategorie: Akce