
iocb tech

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The Czech National Library of Technology and international non-profit organization ORCID which generates and maintains unique persistent identifiers for researchers, will host together an online workshop to discuss options for national approach to ORCID implementation in the Czech Republic and possible establishment of the Czech ORCID Consortium. The workshop will take place on September 29, 2021.

What is ORCID?

ORCID is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of member organizations, including universities, research organizations, publishers, funding providers, professional associations and other stakeholders in the research ecosystem. The organization was founded in 2010 and the service was launched in 2012. ORCID provides a unique persistent identifier for authors and solves the problem of authors' identical or similar names thanks to the central register. ORCID allows you to manage all the outputs of scientists in one place, which are automatically modified into individual profiles using their unique iD. Proper identification of researchers using ORCID is only one part of the whole, so that IDs can be used to the best of their ability ORCID IDs should be linked to research papers, grants, research organizations and other entities.

Target audience: research institutions leadership (representatives, vice-rectors for research, ect.), librarians, service providers, funders, publishers and researchers.

Join this session to discuss possibilities for ORCID implementation and membership benefits, and learn more about other consortial approaches in the community.

We look forward to your participation!

More information here 

Registration here


Zdroj: NTK


  • Datum od: 29.9.2021
  • Datum do: 29.9.2021
Kategorie: Akce