Národní technická knihovna (NTK) zve na další ze série webinářů určených pro doktorandy a začínající vědce. Tentokrát na téma citačních databází. Webinář se uskuteční 3. května 2022.
Web of Science and Scopus: Use Citation Databases to Foster Your Research
Who should participate?
This webinar is designed primarily for doctoral candidates and other early career researchers who are writing scientific articles and looking for target journals or conferences. Participants should have a basic understanding of citation databases and how they work. Anyone interested in learning more about academic journals and metrics is also welcome.
What topics will be covered?
Learn how to use citation databases effectively to enhance your academic work and to improve your understanding of research in your field at the global level. Topics include (but are not limited to):
- How can I use citation databases to support my research activities?
- What are the most common metrics (e.g., impact factor, AIS, JCI, h-index) and how they are used?
- How do I identify seminal articles in my field quickly?
- What journals and conferences are important in my field, and where can I present my research?
- How can I set up advanced alerts to stay informed about new articles from authors and journals I wish to follow?
Date and time: Tuesday, May 3, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Format and language: Webinar in English
For: All students, PhD candidates
Webinars are free of charge and you do not need to be registered with the library. We will send you detailed instructions for connecting to the given webinar by email after the registration.
Registration form can be found here.
Zdroj: Národní technická knihovna
- Datum od: 3.5.2022
- Datum do: 3.5.2022