Národní technická knihovna (NTK) zve na další ze série svých webinářů, který tentokrát přinese tipy na to jak zviditelnit výsledky své vědecké práce on-line. Webinář proběhne 10. května 2022.
Making one‘s work visible via identifiers and profiles
Who should participate?
This webinar is designed primarily for doctoral students, but everyone who is interested in scholarly communication is welcome.
What topics will be covered?
Promoting one’s research activities is an important part of an academic career over the long term. This webinar provides tips for early career researchers in showcasing their activities.
- Online tools for making scientific work more visible (e.g., Google Scholar Profile, Publons, ResearchGate)
- Author identifiers (ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID) and how to use them effectively.
Date and time: Tuesday, May 10, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Format and language: Webinar in English
For: All students, PhD candidates
Webinars are free of charge and you do not need to be registered with the library. We will send you detailed instructions for connecting to the given webinar by email after the registration.
Registration form can be found here.
Zdroj: Národní technická knihovna
- Datum od: 10.5.2022
- Datum do: 10.5.2022