Dne 19. května 2022 se bude konat konference METROFOOD-PP Final Conference s podtitulem „Boosting Research and Joint Cooperation: an Agrifood System Snapshot“. Konference se zaměří na spolupráci a inovace v oblasti výzkumu zemedělství a zemědělských technologií.
We are proud to announce the METROFOOD-PP Final Conference - Boosting Research and Joint Cooperation: an Agrifood System Snapshot, which will be held the 19th of May at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest. Starting from the achievement of METROFOOD-PP project, with the goals and outcomes we set ourselves at supporting METROFOOD-RI to grow and move forward, the conference will represent the occasion to debate about the relevance of boosting research, cooperation, innovation, and stakeholder engagement in support to the agrifood.
The Conference will gather together representative of the scientific community and the relevant stakeholders of the agrifood system to discuss the main related challenges (with reference, e.g. to food quality & safety, traceability & transparency, digitalization, circular bioeconomy, sustainability and resilience) and share the point of view of both food businesses, covering primary production and food and drink industry, and consumers, even highlighting the importance of directly engaging all the different actors by applying multi-actor and co-creation approaches. Furthermore, the point of view of research and national metrology institutes will be considered, highlighting the importance of harmonization and standardization.
The conference will be organized in blended version, so it will be possible to participate either in presence or remotely. Click here to register.
It is possible to register for both in presence and remote participation. Registration in presence will be possible until the conference venue capacity is full (fulfilling all the necessary security conditions in relation to COVID-19). Registration for participation in presence will close the 15th of May, while registration for remote participation will close the 17th of May. Please note that all times in the agenda are Romanian time (EEST).
- Datum od: 19.5.2022
- Datum do: 19.5.2022