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Evropská komise zve na 19. ročník Annual Research Conference s podtitulem How to turn green in the European way, která se bude konat ve dnech 20. až 21. září 2022. Do 15. května 2022 se mohou mladí vědci přihlašovat k prezentaci své výzkumné práce.


Konference sdružuje přední ekonomy a odborníky z praxe, aby diskutovali o špičkové výzkumu zaměřeném na výzvy evropské hospodářské politiky. Konference se odehrává v angličtině. Podrobné informace naleznete níže:

Call for posters

  • Deadline for extended abstract submission: 15 May 2022
  • Decision of candidate selection: 15 June 2022
  • Deadline for submission of poster and video presentation: 1 August 2022

Research presented at the conference contributes to:

  • Design appropriate policies and instruments to incentivise a green transition
  • Change production and consumption patterns
  • Engineer the necessary private and public investment/technological transformation (define timing and size of the transformation without overburdening balance sheets)
  • Bring about the necessary innovation and human capital accumulation.

The research presented will broaden the traditional economic perspective and incorporate relevant technological and socioeconomic dimensions, while remaining directly anchored (and relevant) to economic policy making.

To achieve the goal of creating a platform that enables exchange and dissemination of scientific knowledge on economics and linked sciences between and amongst researchers, scholars and policymakers, there will be a poster session at the conference for early career reseachers. The call for posters is now open.


Zdroj: Evropská komise

  • Datum od: 20.9.2022
  • Datum do: 21.9.2022
Kategorie: Akce