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Workshop: e-Infrastructure Reflection Group se při příležitosti francouzského předsednictví v Radě EU zaměří na témata, jako je European Open Science Cloud nebo zelená a digitální revoluce v oblasti e-infrastruktur.

The e-IRG Workhop is again organised as a virtual event with three webinars, which address the following topics:

  • Towards a sustainable European Open Science Cloud – The role of e-Infrastructures (jointly organised with the EOSC Steering Board)
  • The twin “green and digital” transition in e-Infrastructures
  • Cross-e-Infrastructure collaboration and coordination (network, computing, data)

More details on each webinar can be found here.

The layout of the webinars have been changed so that there is more room for discussion, a feedback that we got from the last e-IRG Workshops.

The registration is available here.


Zdroj: GÉANT Project

  • Datum od: 30.5.2022
  • Datum do: 31.5.2022
Kategorie: Akce