Masarykova univerzita zve na každoroční konferenci s názvem Grant Week, která se bude konat 19. - 20. září 2022 v Brně na Masarykově univerzitě a on-line.
Are you working in research and innovation? Are you looking for more information on Horizon Europe (HE), the new European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation? You need to joint us at the Grants Week 2022!
Grants Week 2022 builds on the success of the four previous annual events. Grants Week aims to provide researchers and research support staff with practical and useful information about grant programmes focusing on international grants, especially the European Commission Horizon EUROPE.
Grants Week Objectives
- Introduce international grant opportunities
- Motivate to active participation in international funding programmes for research
- Share good practice on how to prepare a successful grant proposal
Grants Week is an annual event organized by the Masaryk University Research Office. The main language of the event is English.
You can register here.
Zdroj: Masarykova univerzita
- Datum od: 19.9.2022
- Datum do: 20.9.2022