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David Doubek is a cultural anthropologist and psychologist who has taught at Charles University’s Faculty of Education since 2000. He is part of the Pražská skupina školní etnografie group that was founded in 1991.

He and colleagues have conducted joint-research into life in socially-excluded areas from many facets and examining the points-of-view of various stakeholders: residents themselves, social aid workers, politicians and others. On the Czech music scene, Doubek is known by his stage name, Ventolin. The highly-respected musician, producer and DJ is known for past tracks such as Totem and the cult hit Disco Science, which introduced terms like všechny mladens into popular culture (to learn more, look up the video). His latest album with songs like Mech and Čidlo is titled Dneska se vyčasilo. If you want to know more about Ventolin as a performer and earlier influences, look up our earlier interview from 2018.

  • Audio url: https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/5GNTqZBmpcr58c9xdrC0gS
Kategorie: Forum Radio