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The IDEA think tank of CERGE-EI would like to invite you to a public lecture and discussion: How do we raise the quality of school leadership?

WHEN: December 11, 2018 | 15:00-16:30
WHERE: CERGE-EI, Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1

Keynote speaker: Steven Rivkin, Professor and Head, Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Director of the John F. Kain Center for Education Research, University of Texas at Dallas, Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research

Comments and Czech reflection: Daniel Münich | IDEA at CERGE-EI

A growing emphasis on leadership as the focal point of school improvement has led governments and school management organizations to adopt various strategies to elevate the effectiveness of school principals. These policy initiatives can be divided into two broad categories: 1) more stringent performance evaluation linked with employment and compensation; and 2) improvements in principal preparation..

The public lecture will present results from research that investigates the following questions:

  • Do school principals affect future academic, social and future labor market outcomes?
  • Do the benefits of an intensive and expensive principal residency training program justify the costs?
  • Can higher salaries for effective educators willing to work in low-achieving schools improve academic outcomes?
  • Is it good policy to require principals to consider student outcomes and measures of satisfaction rather than just their own observations and perceptions when evaluating teachers?

The event will be in English. It will be recorded and made available as a video on the IDEA website. Light refreshments will be served following the discussion.

Register by e-mail: idea@cerge-ei.cz or by filling out this form: http://bit.ly/Rivkin_school_leadership. By registering to this event, you are consenting to our collection, retention, protection and use of your name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address. We store the data for a maximum of 10 years, in the form of name, institutional affiliation and e-mail. We use the data to send information on upcoming events by IDEA at CERGE-EI. We never share your personal data with third parties, nor do we use the data for any other purpose.



  • Datum od: 11.12.2018
  • Datum do: 11.12.2018
Kategorie: Akce