
iocb tech

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Nezávislé informace o vědě a výzkumu

ČVUT bude hostit sérii tří workshopů věnovaných zásadní výzvě: Jak vytvořit úspěšnou spolupráci mezi rychle rostoucími stratupy, akademickou sférou a zavedenými organizacemi, a to v rámci akce Týden inovací.

1.workshop krátký 1024x490

„How to create successful partnerships between high-growth startups, academia and established organizations“

The challenge for established and successful corporates: It becomes increasingly difficult to develop and market new products and services with the required speed. Partnerships between corporates and startups can provide an ideal setup and can lead to a win-win situation if executed right. But the question is how to do it as it doesn’t come naturally. Join us for a workshop series on this „how“ in Forum Karlín (místnost: Kotelna55) on Monday, 20th of May.

08.45 – 09.45 Israel, the innovation and start-up hot spot“ breakfast talk with guest from Israel and the Czech Republic

10.00 – 11.00 Leveraging academia and startup input for corporates“ with Dr. Sharon Tal, co-author of „where to play

11.15 – 12.15 How to work better with startups and academia as a corporate“ with Nicolas Burer, Managing Director Digital Switzerland

Note: the workshops will be held in English

Please register via https://www.tydeninovaci2019.cz/seminars/ or via email inkubator@cvut.cz, hurry up, space is limited and the workshop is for free.


Zdroj: ČVUT

  • Datum od: 20.5.2019
  • Datum do: 20.5.2019
Kategorie: Akce